Monday, October 30, 2006

Dealing with Disgruntled Customers

Dealing with Disgruntled Customers
by Vishal P. Rao
No matter how hard you try, in business you simply can't please everyone. You could have a highly trained customer service squadron and an award-winning product, but still you'd have some buyers who just weren't happy..

The bad news is that unhappy customers are more eager to share their experiences than happy ones which could spell disaster for your business.

There is good news, however. Unhappy customers who receive satisfaction can become your biggest allies. The trick, of course, is discovering how to satisfy their needs so efficiently that they'll forget whatever caused their disappointment in the first place. Here are some ways to make that happen:

1) Be a Good Listener

When someone complains about us, our first instinct is to get defensive and to distribute blame. Most of the time we start doing this even before the other person has finished their argument. When that happens, we may misjudge the situation, offer inappropriate resolutions, or appear insensitive to our customers' feelings. Instead, we must work hard to become patient listeners. We should stay focused on the customer and not get distracted by anything else going on around us.

We should also pay attention to what is being said, not how it is being said. Even a beligerant customer is trying to express a concrete complaint, he just might not be able to do it as clearly or as calmly as someone else. By listening patiently to our customers, we can take the first step toward helping them more effectively.

2) Don't Let an Unhappy Customer Slip Away Without a Fight

Just because someone is unsatisfied with your service or your product, you don't have to throw your hands up in the air and say “That's another one gone.” Take steps right away to resolve the situation. Most customers who have a complaint just want you to take the problem seriously, to handle it as quickly as possible, and to have it resolved in a respectful and professional manner. If you can do that for them, you will successfully mend the relationship.

3) Resolve the Problem to Their Satisfaction, Not Yours

When many businesses right wrongs, they do so by only considering what is in their best interest and not what would satisfy the customer. That simply doesn't work most of the time. Let me give you an example.

One young woman took her small children to a well-known fast food restaurant for dinner. Because her youngest child was diabetic, she ordered diet drinks for their child-sized meals. Instead, she received regular drinks, and the extra sugar in the drink caused her child to have to be rushed to the emergency room that night. When she called to complain, the manager offered her a free meal to compensate her for the near-death experience of her two year old daughter.

Why did the manager make such a ludicrous offer? Because that was what the restaurant had decided to do in order to deal with customer complaints in a cost-effective manner. It was good for them and that's what mattered.

The reality is that customers will all have different ideas on how to resolve these issues: some may want an employee to be fired or punished for their bad service, others will want financial restitution, some will want assurance that it will never happen again, and most will want a combination of those things.

To determine how to satisfy your unhappy customers, just ask them how you can make things right and then do whatever they ask for (within reason, of course). By doing this, you will be showing how much their satisfaction and patronage means to you.

4) Keep Your Head

When customers are angry with us, it can be very upsetting, especially if we truly do care about their business. Yet, we may get so upset that we aren't able to cope effectively with their problem and end up losing the relationship which can be even more upsetting. Instead, take these four steps to coping with your feelings:

A) Remember it's not about you – While it may seem that they are yelling or complaining about you personally, they aren't. They simply want what they paid for. Your customers don't know if you're a good family man or a single mother struggling to get by; all they know is that they paid for something and that's what they expect to receive. So don't take their complaints personally.

B) Stop thinking “If only” or “What if” -- After an incident, you may spend days going back over the situation and wondering what you could have done differently, but this is futile. No matter how much you may want to, you can't go back and change it now. Instead, you should be looking forward and finding ways to prevent it from happening again.

C) Know you've done all you can – If you feel guilt because you weren't able to satisfy an unhappy customer, you can shut your conscience up easily if you know that you did everything within your power to right the situation. After all, there are just some people who will never be happy with anything that you do and they aren't worth stressing over.

D) Keep improving – In life, we learn more from our mistakes than we do from getting something right. So each unhappy customer provides you with a learning experience that will not only help you handle future situations better but will also show you how to prevent future mistakes from happening. Obviously, you don't want too many of these learning experiences, but when they do happen, be sure to use them wisely.

While you won't be able to safe every relationship, you may be surprised at how many you can rescue with these suggestions. It may seem like a lot of extra effort, but if you care about your customers and about your business, it's the leas
t you can do for them and for yourself.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

组策略高手・完全手册 - 微软 TechNet








讲师信息: 王辉 微软金牌认证讲师 苏州索迪培训中心
2005-12-16 10:00-11:30




讲师信息: 张华 微软金牌认证讲师 微软护航技术专家
2005-12-19 10:00-11:30




讲师信息: 王辉 微软金牌认证讲师 苏州索迪培训中心
2005-12-21 14:00-15:30

你需要部署软件吗?你是否为烦琐的大批量部署软件而犯愁? 你希望用户可以自己选择软件安装而不需要安装介质吗?你希望强制为用户或计算机安装指定的软件吗?通过组策略可以快速方便的完成软件的部署和分发工作。



讲师信息: 赵翔 讲师 北京中达金桥科技服务公司
2005-12-23 10:00-11:30






讲师信息: 张华:微软金牌认证讲师 微软护航技术专家
2005-12-26 14:00-15:30




讲师信息: 张华 微软金牌认证讲师 微软护航技术专家
2005-12-28 14:00-15:30




讲师信息: 殷杰 邮件系统专家
2006-01-03 10:00-11:30




讲师信息: 王希 IT架构顾问 微软(中国)有限公司
2006-01-04 10:00-11:30




讲师信息: 王辉 微软金牌认证讲师 苏州索迪培训中心
2006-01-06 10:00-11:30






讲师信息: 殷杰 邮件系统专家
2006-01-10 10:00-11:30




讲师信息: 殷杰 邮件系统专家
2006-01-13 14:00-15:30




讲师信息: 王希 IT架构顾问 微软(中国)有限公司
2006-01-17 14:00-15:30

本课程将分析一些组策略的排错案例,课程的内容基于以前的排错相关课程。建议听众先完成以下课程,效果更佳(均为2005Webcast课程):《Windows工具箱:活动目录与网络系列 (1~3), 》《活动目录在 Windows Server 2003 中的应用系列之五:AD排错最佳实践―― 方法论》《活动目录在 Windows Server 2003 中的应用系列之六:AD排错最佳实践―― 技巧与捷径》



讲师信息: 赵翔 资深讲师
2006-01-19 14:00-15:30




讲师信息: 孔文达 微软护航专家 微软认证金牌讲师 北京中达金桥科技开发有限公司
2006-01-20 14:00-15:30




讲师信息: 张华 微软金牌认证讲师 微软护航技术专家
2006-01-24 14:00-15:30


Mailbox Rights for New Users Shows Only Self

This article was previously published under Microsoft KB Q272153



In Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, when you create new mailbox-enabled accounts in Active Directory, they do not have inherited mailbox rights. The only object that is granted permission is Self, which is granted full mailbox access and read rights.


This behavior occurs because the mailbox security descriptor is not read from the Active Directory account object until the user logs on or gets mail. The Recipient Update Service does not stamp the inherited permissions when the mailbox is created. After the mailbox is created in the store, the store calculates inherited mailbox rights.


To resolve this behavior, log on to or send a message to the mailbox. When the mailbox is created in the store, the store itself calculates the inherited permissions and stamps them on the store's copy of the mailbox security descriptor.


To view mailbox rights, follow these steps:


In the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), click Advanced Features on the View menu.


Under Active Directory Users and Computers, click the account, click the Exchange Advanced tab, and then click Mailbox Rights.

The rights are displayed in the Permissions for account name dialog box.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Viewing Users' Distribution List Membership Using AD Users and Computers Snap-in tool

The information is also available in Microsoft KB article 833883.


You cannot view a user's Universal Group membership in Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Users and Computers when Universal Groups do not reside in the local domain


When you use the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, and you click the Membership tab on the user's Properties dialog box to view the Universal Group membership for a specific user, only the universal groups that reside in the local domain are shown. If the user also belongs to universal groups that do not reside on the local domain, these universal groups do not appear in the Membership tab of the user's Properties dialog box, even when the non-local domain resides in the same forest and you are connected to a global catalog server in the local domain.


In order to overcome this issue, we need to modify registry in the client we are using to bring up Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in tool, as shown below:



Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.


In Registry Editor, verify that the Windows Server 2003-based computer contains the following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Directory UI

If this subkey does not exist, you must create it manually. To do this, follow these steps:


Right-click HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft, click New, and then click Key.


Type Windows for the key name.


Right-click Windows, click New, and then click Key.


Type Directory UI for the key name.


Right -click Directory UI, click New, and then click DWORD Value.


Type AlwaysShowExternalGroups as the DWORD name.


Double-click AlwaysShowExternalGroups.


In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, type 1, and then click OK.


A caveat to doing this modification is that you may experience slowness in response of Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in tool, since it has now to enumerate the external groups that the user is member of.

Use LDIFDE and CSVDE to export DL members

>Please find a sample ldifde format that can be used to export the list of users from a DL


ldifde –f filename.ldf –d "Full Name of the DL" –l member –s ServerName


sample: ldifde -f everyone-sn01.ldf -d "cn=DL Everyone-SN01,ou=sg,dc=pacrim1,dc=ds,dc=honeywell,dc=com" -l member -s sn01dc500


-f     specifies the file name to save the data to.
-d    specifies the RootDN (basically where the search starts).
-l     specifies what parameter you are interested in (in this case we are looking at the 'member' attribute.)
-s    specifies which Active Directory Domain Controller to use.


>Please find a sample CSVDE format that can be used to export the list of users from all DLs within one specific container


csvde -f FileName.csv -r "(objectClass=group)" -s ServerName -d "Path of the Container" -l "DN, objectclass, displayName, member"


sample: csvde -f c:\output2.csv -r "(objectClass=group)" -s CH71DC500 -d "OU=IE03,OU=IN,DC=PACRIM1,DC=ds,DC=honeywell,DC=com" -l "DN, objectclass, displayName, member"


-f     specifies the file name to save the data to.
-d    specifies the RootDN (basically where the search starts).
-l     specifies what parameter you are interested in (in this case we are looking at the 'member' attribute.)
-s    specifies which Active Directory Domain Controller to use.

-r     specifies the object class you want to export

Monday, October 23, 2006

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