Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wipro in media

Wipro named as a leader in global delivery infrastructure management for Europe among the Indian service providers - Independent research firm publishes survey report

Bangalore, December 12, 2006: In an independent survey report* by Forrester Research, Inc., an independent research firm, Wipro Technologies, the global IT services division of Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) has been positioned as a leader in the “The Forrester Wave™: Global Delivery Infrastructure Management for Europe, Q4 2006”, Forrester Research, Inc., December 2006.Forrester evaluated the offshore infrastructure management services of leading Indian service providers on 25 criteria. Wipro Technologies earned the highest score for Current Offering and Market presenceAccording to the Forrester report, “Of all the Indian vendors, Wipro maintains the strongest European client base for offshore infrastructure services today. The company is actively pushing beyond pure remote infrastructure management and has recently begun to successfully compete head to head against traditional on-site outsourcers for larger end-to-end infrastructure outsourcing deals”.Elaborating on Wipro’s strategy for Infrastructure Management Services in Europe, GK Prasanna, Senior Vice President – Technology Infrastructure Services, Wipro Technologies, said “This report cites our position as a leader and our strong European market presence. Our strong investments Global delivery model and practices such as Total Outsourcing and Global systems Integration have enabled us to push beyond pure remote outsourcing. Infrastructure Services and Europe expansion are strategic to Wipro and these will continue to see serious investments.”
According to Wipro, Infrastructure Management Services is a differentiated service line. Wipro is the largest IT Infrastructure service provider from India. Wipro has been a leader in pioneering and promoting the global remote infrastructure services. With over 23 years experience it provides end to end services from consulting to integration to managed services in the infrastructure space.Wipro’s state of the art Global Command Center (GCC) was set up in 2002 and became the World’s first centre to be BS 15000 & ISO 20000 certified. In 2005 Wipro won the NASSCOM IT innovation award for its Global Command Center.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

各大 IT 公司的名字的来历

CSDN上看到的,关于各大公司的名字的来历。 虽然挺老的一篇文章,还是觉得挺有意思的


《格列佛游记》的作者Jonathan Swift发明了yahoo这个单词。在小说里,它代表了一个在外表和行为举止上都令人厌恶的家伙,简直都不能算是一个人。Yahoo! 的创始人杨致远和David Filo选择这个名字的原因是他们觉得自己是yahoo

另一种说法,YahooYet Another Hierarchical Officious oracle的首字母缩写,不过David Filo和杨致远坚持他们选择这个名称的原因是他们喜欢字典里对yahoo的定义:“粗鲁,不通世故,粗俗。” (来源:


是希腊文字根,代表。由于Chestor Carlson发明的产品是干式复印,和当时占优势的湿法复印有显著的差别,所以他用Xerox命名。

SUN Microsystems

由斯坦福大学的四个家伙创建。SUN “Stanford University Network”的首字母缩写。




代表Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing。四个IBM的前雇员组建了SAP。他们为IBM工作时属于的团队叫“Systems/Applications/Projects”

Red Hat

公司创始人Marc Ewing念大学的时候,他祖父给了他一顶康奈尔曲棍球队的帽子。帽子上有着红色和白色的条纹。他不小心把帽子弄丢了,不得不拼命去找。红帽子Linux beta版的用户手册里面有一段话,央求用户如果找到了他的红帽子,请归还!


Larry Ellison
Bob Oats 曾经为中央情报局的一个咨询项目工作。这个项目的代号就叫 oracle


创始人Paul Galvin是在公司开始生产车用无线电的时候让公司叫现在这个名字的。原先它叫Victrola


Bill Gate
起了这个名字。为了代表MICROcomputer SOFTware,就叫做Micro-Soft,后来把中间的 “-” 去掉了。


从莲花式盘坐(padmasana)中得名。创始人Mitch Kapor 曾经是Maharishi Mahesh Yogi的超脱静坐教师。

译者注:Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi,印度宗教领袖。)


Bob Noyce
Gordon Moore想把他们的公司命名为“Moore Noyce”,可是这个名字已经为一家连锁旅馆注册了。IntelINTegrated ELectronics的缩写。


Bill Hewlett
Dave Packard丢硬币来决定他们的公司叫Hewlett-Packard还是Packard-Hewlett


创始人Jack Smith想出了最初的主意,要建立一种任何计算机都可以通过网络访问的电子邮件网络服务。当Sabeer Bhatia参与起草商业计划书的时候,他尝试了各种以mail结尾的名字。最后,他选择了Hotmail。因为Hotmail包含了htmlHotmail最早的形式是HoTMaiL


名字来自于一个关于搜索引擎到底能搜索多少信息的玩笑。最早它叫“Googol”,代表1后面跟1000。创始人Sergey BrinLarry Page曾经向一位天使投资人演示他们的项目,最后他们收到了一张给“Google”公司的支票!


San Francisco

Apple Computers

Steve Jobs


创始人是从给NCSA httpd后台代码打补丁起步的。结果,他们得到了“A PAtCHy” server(打过补丁的服务器),于是,就叫Apache了。


创始人 John Warnock家后面有一条叫做Adobe Creek的河。